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Hi, I'm Amanda! Teacher, naturalist, wife, DIY lover, and home cook.  Thank you for checking out my blog!

Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

The title alone makes my mouth water!! I am in love with buttercream frosting and sometimes nothing else seems to hit the spot like butter and sugar. Lately I have been posting a lot about maternity and DIY projects and wanted to share my "secret weapon".

Picture it, this happens all the time to me, your husband comes home and you have to make a bunch of cupcakes for work. Or you forget it's someone's birthday and have/want to make cupcakes. As long as you have these 4 things in your pantry, you can make the most delicious cupcakes ever!!

Strawberry Buttercream Frosting


Powdered Sugar



Jam (seedless)


1. In a stand mixer, or hand mixer, add about 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 stick of thawed butter, and a splash of milk. Mix until combined.

2. Add about a 1/4 cup of your jam. I used preserve this last time because I wanted the little chunks of strawberries, but make sure you get seedless of whatever flavor your making.

3. Periodically check the consistency, you should have very stiff peaks. If it is too thin, add more powdered sugar. If it is too thick add more jam or a splash of milk. Just remember that a little bit of liquid goes a LONG way.

4. Now add to any delicious treat you want. Voila. You don't need to add any extracts because your Jam flavors it and you don't need to color it because your Jam does that too.

My mouth is still watering and now I want to go home and make some more of this heavenly goodness. I like to pretend that it's good for you because it has fruit in it, but in reality it is still so bad for you because of the sugar and butter.

What awesome flavor combinations have you tried with your buttercream?

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