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Hi, I'm Amanda! Teacher, naturalist, wife, DIY lover, and home cook.  Thank you for checking out my blog!

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly- Third Trimester

Happy New Year! So, this is way late and I've been quite a bum on the blog. Our little angel was born in early November--post to come later. I've been so busy/distracted that I needed to take those 2 months off from the blog to figure out what I was doing.

The Good (for Her):

The best part is knowing you're almost done. Also, after 6 months of awkward stares and questioning looks it's blaringly obvious you're pregnant. Strangers will start to ask when you're due and congratulating you. I even had a guy shout out his truck window when I walked by him in the grocery store parking lot, "congratulations".

If it hasn't already, your nesting mode is in full swing. You'll clean, organize, and redecorate/decorate every room in your house. I'm a big organizer so my nesting was organizing everything: both pantries, cabinets, closets, dressers, jewelry box, bathrooms, nursery, crafts, file cabinet, etc. My husband would come home and I'd have stuff everywhere (the start of my organization) and he'd just roll his eyes.

The Good (for him):

For me, the best part of the third trimester was knowing the end was almost here and we would finally get to see our baby girl. We spend months and months getting prepared and the time was almost here. It was finally setting in that we were going to be parents. For some reason this did not come as scary to me. I felt that we prepared very well and we were going to be great at this.

The Bad (for her):

CONTRACTIONS! 'Nuff said. I'm not even talking about labor contractions, they're expected. Braxton hicks contractions can start early and go forever. No matter how many different people I asked how you know the difference between labor contractions and Braxton hicks they all replied, "you'll know." This, to me, was the most frustrating answer, but trust me--YOU'LL KNOW! Don't get me wrong, the Braxton hicks contractions can be painful and take your breath away, however, I couldn't talk or move during labor contractions. They're extremely fun when you're trying to teach a class or coach volleyball--NOT.

The Bad (for him):

Aside from the general complaints about being "fat", the third trimester flew by and went fairly smooth. She did complain alot. She was also a little on edge so the teasing and joking around with her was a walk on egg shells situation.

The Ugly (for her):

The worst part is you're still pregnant. Don't get me wrong I loved being pregnant, but you are so large and uncomfortable you're just ready to be not pregnant. I've always heard that you're pregnant as long as you can stand it plus a month and it's so true. It's a new level of tired and everything hurts. I was lucky and had very little swelling mainly due to staying active. I coached our first ever Varsity Girls Volleyball team and our season ended at the 37 week mark for me so I remained active almost to the very end.

The last 2 weeks I was so over being pregnant my husband convinced me to decorate for Christmas early to put me in a better mood. It worked--kind of. It's a mix of being incredibly uncomfortable and so excited to meet the baby. My amazing husband also waited on me hand and foot so I didn't have to get up and down and leave my feet up. At this point you're also over cooking and cleaning. So be prepared to eat out a lot, but also be prepared to not be able to eat much. As your baby gets bigger they push on your stomach so there's no room for food.

The Ugly (for him):

There was so much positivity for me this trimester I honestly can't complain. I think most of the ugly is in the mom's department as described above. All I had to do was wait on her hand and foot and that's all it takes to stay out of the dog house.

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